Come to Albany on May 7th for Wolf Lobby Day to Help Protect Wolves in New York State

PROTECT continues to advocate for a new wolf bill that would collect data about, and provide further protections to, these protected animals. Join us in Albany on May 7th to lobby for the wolf protection bill.

We will meet in the Capitol at 9:00am to break into teams. Meetings with Legislators will take place between 10:00 am and 3:30 pm. If you can only make it for part of the day, that’s okay.

There will be a Zoom education & training session on May 1st at 6pm to provide information about the bill and logistics for May 7th.

The new wolf protection bill (S.7927A/A.08295A), sponsored by Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal and Assembly Member Robert Carroll, will direct the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to collect data about canids that have specified characteristics that are killed by hunters and trappers in New York. The data collected will help DEC to identify areas of the state where wolves, a protected endangered species, may be present and will direct DEC to collect important genetic information on coyote and wolf populations in the state. The legislation does not reduce the hunting season or decrease bag limits for hunters and trappers lawfully killing coyotes or other game animals in New York State.


The legislation requires hunters and trappers to report to DEC coyotes killed, as required for numerous other species, to collect key information on the characteristics of animals killed, number of animals killed, and location data. Canids that weigh greater than 50 pounds will be subjected to DNA analysis by DEC to determine the genetic ancestry of the animal. If DNA analysis shows that the animal is a wolf, DEC may impose a temporary moratorium on the killing of wild canids in a specific area in order to protect any federally and state protected wolves in the area. DEC will have the discretion to determine the length of time and the location of the moratorium.

DEC will also be required to provide information on wild canids to the public including any DNA test results of wild canids. DEC will also be required to update its hunting and trapping educational materials to provide hunters and trappers with information on the legal status for wolves, and how to distinguish a wolf from a coyote in the field. DEC will also be required to submit a report on the status of wolves in New York State.

Click here to read a Memo of Support for the Wolf Bill.

Register for Wolf Lobby Day on Tuesday, May 7th

Come one, come all. Bring your friends and family.

Registration for this event is closed.