Charles M. Clusen, Chair. Washington, DC, and North River, NY
Barbara Rottier, Vice-Chair. Vermontville, NY
James McMartin Long, Vice-Chair. Canada Lake, NY
David M. Quinn, Treasurer. Saratoga Springs, NY
Chris Walsh, Secretary. Saratoga Springs, NY and Raquette Lake, NY
Nancy Bernstein. Vermontville, NY
John W. Caffry. Glens Falls, NY
Aims “Andy” Coney. Stowe, MA and Blue Mountain Lake, NY
Dean Cook. Ticonderoga, NY
James C. Dawson, PhD. Plattsburgh, NY
Lorraine Duvall. Keene, NY
Robert C. Glennon. Ray Brook, NY
Roger Gray. Albany, NY and Silver Lake, NY
Evelyn Greene. North Creek, NY
Sid Harring. Mayfield, NY
Sheila Hutt. Blue Mountain Lake, NY
Patricia Morrison. Saratoga Springs, NY
John Nemjo. Saratoga Springs, NY and Inlet, NY
Peter O’Shea. Fine, NY
Philip Terrie. Ithaca, NY and Long Lake, NY
Michael Wilson, Vice-Chair. Glenwood, MD
George D. Davis. Springfield, OR
Carl J. George. Glenville, NY
Board Development
Barbara Rottier, Nancy Bernstein, Roger Gray
Conservation Advocacy Committee
John Caffry, Sid Harring
Adirondack Research Library
Phil Terrie
Membership and Development Committee
Patty Morrison, Lorraine Duvall, Sheila Hutt, Chuck Clusen
Roger Gray, Barbara Rottier, Phil Terrie, Chuck Clusen