4 03, 2011

Navigation Rights Rulings

2011-03-08T02:36:48-05:00March 4, 2011|

Here is the latest on the lawsuit against Phil Brown of the Adirondack Explorer for unlawful navigation on Shingle Shanty Brook. See Protect's report Navigation Rights Brochure, under Publications, for a thorough discussion on the [...]

4 03, 2011

Adirondacks Don’t Need Real Estate Scheme

2011-03-29T11:28:18-04:00March 4, 2011|

February 28, 2011 Adirondack Daily Enterprise To the editor: Last week's resolution of the Tupper Lake town board and recent Guest Commentaries in this newspaper, attacking the environmental organizations that are questioning the proposed Adirondack [...]

4 03, 2011

Squelching Dissent

2011-03-29T11:23:50-04:00March 4, 2011|

To the editor: From the tone of several letters and op-editorials published recently, it would appear that no one may express an opinion anywhere regarding the proposed Adirondack Club and Resort except its most vociferous [...]

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