6 06, 2022

The meaning of the 2021 New York Constitution Article 14 “forever wild” decision

2022-06-15T06:39:37-04:00June 6, 2022|

Recent pieces in the Adirondack Explorer (see here and here) have attempted to assess the implications of the decision by New York State’s highest court in Protect the Adirondacks v Department of Environmental Conservation and Adirondack [...]

9 04, 2022

Public comments are needed for NYS Climate Action Council draft scoping plan

2022-07-04T11:00:04-04:00April 9, 2022|

Protect the Adirondacks has reviewed the 861-page Draft Scoping Plan (“Plan”) of the NYS Climate Action Council (NYSCAC), released in December 2021. The Draft Scoping Plan is a “framework for how the State will reduce [...]

8 04, 2022

Forests and Carbon: Why we need to preserve New York’s intact forests and plant new forests

2022-04-14T10:01:52-04:00April 8, 2022|

Forests are vital for carbon sequestration and long-term storage. According to the US Forest Service, U.S. forests sequester 866 million tons of carbon a year, which is roughly 16% of the US annual emissions. This [...]

6 04, 2022

It’s time to work out a Cathead Mountain Constitutional Amendment

2022-04-10T09:33:04-04:00April 6, 2022|

Hamilton County has been trying to expand its emergency communications network for years. The county has dead spots for not only cell service but for its emergency communications system too, especially in the southern part [...]

28 03, 2022

It’s time to pass a Constitutional Amendment for the Mount Van Hoevenberg Winter Sports Complex

2022-04-09T19:39:41-04:00March 28, 2022|

Protect the Adirondacks supports a proposed Article 14 Constitutional Amendment for the Mount Van Hoevenberg Olympic Sports Complex outside Lake Placid. At the Mt. Van Hoevenberg complex, the Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) currently manages [...]

28 03, 2022

The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Needs To Conduct A Nationwide Search For New State Forester

2022-03-28T12:24:06-04:00March 28, 2022|

The current New York State Forester at the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced that he is retiring in April. This position doubles as the Director of the Division of Lands and Forests, and [...]

2 03, 2022

Proposed Article 14 Amendment for Debar Lodge undermines Forest Preserve protections and values and is a programmatic and financial boondoggle

2022-03-28T16:30:20-04:00March 2, 2022|

A constitutional amendment to privatize Debar Lodge is a bad deal Protect the Adirondacks opposes legislation to amend Article 14, Section 1, of the New York Constitution, to remove six acres of public Forest Preserve, [...]

9 02, 2022

PROTECT goes back to court to try and get the NYS DEC and APA to obey the courts

2022-04-09T19:16:42-04:00February 9, 2022|

Protect the Adirondacks is very disappointed that we’ve been forced to go back to court in order to try and get the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Adirondack Park Agency (APA) to comply with [...]

9 02, 2022

DEC Commissioner’s Budget Hearing testimony was false and misleading regarding state’s lack of compliance with forever wild court decisions

2022-02-09T12:44:52-05:00February 9, 2022|

The testimony on February 1, 2022 at the joint Assembly-Senate budget hearing, provided by Basil Seggos, Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), was false and misleading. Steven Englebright, Chairman of Assembly Committee on [...]

6 02, 2022

No major changes for Forest Rangers in the Adirondacks, State must do more

2022-02-09T15:03:23-05:00February 6, 2022|

The current New York State budget being negotiated by Governor Kathy Hochul and the State Legislature contains significant new spending on a number of things, like $29 million for a new headquarters for the Adirondack [...]

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