24 06, 2020

Debate over amendments to Article 14 in the NYS Constitution in 2020, Part 1: amendments have come to be a necessary tool for managing the Adirondack Park

2020-07-21T15:02:32-04:00June 24, 2020|

Article 14, Section 1, of the New York Constitution, the famed “Forever Wild” provision, has been amended 16 times since 1938. It has been amended five times since 2007, making this period the most active [...]

15 06, 2020

Register for the Annual Membership Meeting on July 18th

2020-07-19T08:04:44-04:00June 15, 2020|

The 2020 Annual Membership Meeting of Protect the Adirondacks! is set for July 18th and will be an online gathering in order to protect participants from the spread of COVID-19. Please see information below with [...]

10 06, 2020

Protect the Adirondacks Stands in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter

2021-06-01T11:02:29-04:00June 10, 2020|

Protect the Adirondacks stands in solidarity with the quest for equality and justice in the Black Lives Matter movement that is transforming American society. This is a major moment in American history where a number [...]

5 06, 2020

Article 14, Section 1, of the NYS Constitution, the forever wild provision, has been amended 16 times since 1938

2020-06-05T13:54:11-04:00June 5, 2020|

Article XIV, Section 1, of the New York Constitution, the famed forever wild provision, has been amended 16 times since 1938. It has been amended five times since 2007, making this period the most active [...]

27 04, 2020

Members: Sign up for “Online Action Briefings” about our work to protect the wild Adirondacks and sign up for a paperless membership!

2020-04-28T16:51:34-04:00April 27, 2020|

This spring, as New York and many other places are shut down with stay-at-home directives due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Protect the Adirondacks is working to keep our members up to date on our activities. [...]

25 04, 2020

New developments on the fates of defunct rail lines in the central Adirondacks; PROTECT calls for abandonment of these railroads

2020-04-25T16:19:54-04:00April 25, 2020|

Protect the Adirondacks continues to support the adverse abandonment application with the federal Surface Transportation Board (STB), filed by the NYS Attorney General’s Office on behalf of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), regarding the [...]

7 04, 2020

Public comment period on new Remsen – Lake Placid Travel Corridor Unit Management Plan Amendment runs until April 20, 2020

2020-04-09T17:34:26-04:00April 7, 2020|

The Adirondack Park Agency is accepting comments on an amendment to the Remsen - Lake Placid Travel Corridor Unit Management Plan (UMP) Amendment. This APA is taking comments until April 20, 2020, though given the [...]

7 04, 2020

State budget addresses some environmental needs and challenges, while New York defers action on other Adirondacks priorities

2020-04-13T12:11:15-04:00April 7, 2020|

In the first few days of April, Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature crafted a new 2020-21 state budget in the midst of the greatest public health emergency in 100 years. In [...]

9 03, 2020

An agenda to reform the management of the High Peaks Wilderness Area and associated adjacent Wilderness areas

2020-04-08T14:07:58-04:00March 9, 2020|

The 275,000-acre High Peaks Wilderness is New York's premier wilderness area. The High Peaks Wilderness is the 3rd largest wilderness area east of the Mississippi River. Public use has rocketed in recent years due to [...]

28 02, 2020

State agencies act to facilitate unlimited public use in the High Peaks Wilderness and defer active management

2020-02-28T13:32:35-05:00February 28, 2020|

It seems pretty clear at this point that the state agencies that manage the High Peaks Wilderness Area, and adjacent Wilderness areas, are not interested in limiting public use. The state is investing in new [...]

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