Current Issues Blog

Current Issues Blog2020-06-15T10:51:33-04:00

After independent DNA studies, NYSDEC reverses course and says Cooperstown wolf was a wolf

On September 21, 2022, after a second independent DNA study [...]

By |September 26, 2022|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog, Current Actions|Comments Off on After independent DNA studies, NYSDEC reverses course and says Cooperstown wolf was a wolf

PROTECT joins with 37 other groups to call on NYSDEC to protect wolves in New York State

The plot thickens around the killing of anĀ 85-pound wolf near [...]

By |September 19, 2022|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog|Comments Off on PROTECT joins with 37 other groups to call on NYSDEC to protect wolves in New York State

Protect the Adirondacks applauds Inflation Reduction Act, landmark climate change legislation

President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law [...]

By |August 16, 2022|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog|Comments Off on Protect the Adirondacks applauds Inflation Reduction Act, landmark climate change legislation

DNA analysis confirms that a gray wolf was killed in central New York

In December 2021, a hunter outside of Cooperstown, New York, [...]

By |August 10, 2022|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog|Comments Off on DNA analysis confirms that a gray wolf was killed in central New York

Protect the Adirondacks names Chris Amato as Conservation Director and Counsel

Chris Amato brings long career as attorney in service with [...]

By |August 2, 2022|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog|Comments Off on Protect the Adirondacks names Chris Amato as Conservation Director and Counsel
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