Current Issues Blog

Current Issues Blog2020-06-15T10:51:33-04:00

PROTECT honors John Caffry and Claudia Braymer with the Howard Zahniser Adirondack Award 2021

The Howard Zahniser Adirondack Award recognizes John Caffry’s and Claudia [...]

By |July 13, 2021|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog|Comments Off on PROTECT honors John Caffry and Claudia Braymer with the Howard Zahniser Adirondack Award 2021

PROTECT supports legislation to make Aquatic Invasive Species Transport Law permanent and strengthen programs for spread prevention

A.7735a/S.7010c “AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law, in [...]

By |June 7, 2021|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog|Comments Off on PROTECT supports legislation to make Aquatic Invasive Species Transport Law permanent and strengthen programs for spread prevention

A review of the new Adirondack Mountain Reserve parking reservation system

The new parking reservation system to hike the trails on [...]

By |May 30, 2021|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog|Comments Off on A review of the new Adirondack Mountain Reserve parking reservation system

The new multi-use public recreation trail construction begins from Lake Placid to Tupper Lake

Dreaming about the new public recreation trail from Lake Placid [...]

By |May 28, 2021|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog|Comments Off on The new multi-use public recreation trail construction begins from Lake Placid to Tupper Lake

Time for NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Adirondack Park Agency, and Cuomo Administration to Get on the Right Side of Forever Wild

New York's Highest Court strikes down Cuomo Administration and Department [...]

By |May 9, 2021|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog|Comments Off on Time for NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Adirondack Park Agency, and Cuomo Administration to Get on the Right Side of Forever Wild

Victory: New York’s Highest Court Rules in Favor of Protect the Adirondacks, Finds Cuomo Administration Violated Forever Wild Clause of State Constitution

The Cuomo Administration’s plan to expand motorized use on the [...]

By |May 4, 2021|Categories: Adirondack Issues Blog|Comments Off on Victory: New York’s Highest Court Rules in Favor of Protect the Adirondacks, Finds Cuomo Administration Violated Forever Wild Clause of State Constitution
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