March 12, 2025: Budgets Released by the Legislature Show Strong Support for Adirondack Park Initiatives

March 4, 2025: PROTECT supports new bill that would provide tax incentive to protect wild forests on private lands

February 17, 2025: PROTECT and four other Adirondack groups call on Adirondack Park Agency to drop motor vehicle amendment to Master Plan

January 3, 2025: New Executive Director Named at Protect the Adirondacks

November 18, 2024: Proposed Amendments to the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan Weaken Wilderness Protections

November 13, 2024: PROTECT and seven other groups call on Governor Hochul to protect Whitney Park

October 7, 2024: DEC’s Plan to Cut Thousands of Trees on the Top of Prospect Mountain Raises Constitutional Issues

September 3, 2024: PROTECT urges State agencies to take action on Whiskey Fungus

July 1, 2024: PROTECT commends State for report stating that millions of acres of land protection are needed

May 14, 2024: PROTECT cheers passage of New York Wildlife Crossings Act

March 28, 2024: New wolf protection bill has been introduced in the State Legislature

March 13, 2024: PROTECT applauds one house budgets for funding critical Adirondack programs

February 23, 2024: PROTECT calls on Governor Hochul to conduct a nationwide reach for the new NYSDEC Commissioner

November 8, 2023: PROTECT releases new Special Report “20% in 2023: An Assessment of the New York State 30 by 30 Act”

October 5, 2023: Article 14 Lawsuit that ruled state agencies had violated the Forever Wild Clause of the NYS Constitution with plans to build a network of super-wide snowmobile trails is officially ended

September 29, 2023: Press Release: 25 Great Adirondack Hikes to See Fall Colors

August 29, 2023: PROTECT calls on Governor Kathy Hochul to release the Adirondack Road Salt Reduction Task Force report

June 22, 2023: PROTECT congratulates NYS Legislature for passing Anti-Wildlife Killing Contest legislation

April 24, 2023: PROTECT critical of APA’s efforts to reduce and limit public comments and input

March 2, 2023: Appellate Division, Third Department, Strikes Down Lower Saranac Lake Marina Permit issued by the Adirondack Park Agency

February 1, 2023: Claudia Braymer, environmental attorney, named as new Deputy Director of Protect the Adirondacks

January 30, 2023: PROTECT starts litigation challenging road reconstruction by the NYSDEC in a Wilderness Area

October 31, 2022: PROTECT calls on the NYSAPA to comply with the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act in its review of major projects in the Adirondack Park

August 16, 2022: PROTECT applauds passage of Inflation Reduction Act, landmark climate change legislation

August 1, 2022: PROTECT names Chris Amato as new Conservation Director and Counsel

May 25, 2022: PROTECT calls for passage of an Article 14 Constitutional Amendment for the Mount van Hoevenberg Winter Sports Complex

January 7, 2022: PROTECT opposes draft APA permit for the new White Lake Granite Quarry in Forestport, Oneida County

August 24, 2021: PROTECT sends 10 priorities for the Adirondack Park to new Governor Kathy Hochul

August 16, 2021: 2020 US Census shows population losses in Upstate NYS, gains in Downstate NYS, and that 53% of all US counties saw population losses

July 13, 2021: PROTECT honors John Caffry and Claudia Braymer with the Howard Zahniser Adirondack Award 2021

May 4, 2021: Press Release: Court of Appeals Rules for Protect the Adirondacks Finds Cuomo Administration Violates State Constitution

March 14, 2021: PROTECT applauds new State Assembly and State Senate budgets

March 8, 2021: Adirondack Park Agency Large-scale Subdivision Application process fails its first test

July 8, 2020: PROTECT finds slate of APA Appointments lacking for making meaningful reforms to the agency

January 8, 2020: PROTECT cheers Governor Cuomo’s Restore Mother Nature Bond Act

November 20, 2019: Time is Now for Creation of the Hudson River Bike Trail

October 29, 2019: Adirondack groups call for major investments in management of the High Peaks Wilderness to meet overuse challenges

August 16, 2019: Protect the Adirondacks plans to cross-appeal Appellate Division, Third Department, decision on Article 14 lawsuit 

July 11, 2109: Annual meeting to be held on July 20, 2019 at The View in Old Forge

July 3, 2019: The Appellate Division, Third Department, rules in favor of appeal by Protect the Adirondacks and finds state agencies violated Article 14, Section 1 of the State Constitution

June 27, 2019: Major Reforms Blocked by North Country Representatives

April 29, 2019: New Report Released: The Adirondack Park and Rural America: Economic and Population Trends 1970-2010

February 25, 2019: Adirondack Groups lay out 2019 budgeted legislative priorities for the Adirondacks

August 21, 2018: PROTECT Cheers State’s Continued Legal Action to Decertify Sanford Lake Railway from North Creek to Tahawus

August 1, 2018: PROTECT Cheers Removal of Last Railcars Stored for Two Years along Hudson River and Route 28

July 26, 2018: PROTECT sponsors Canoe-In for Motorless Weller Pond on August 18, 2018

July 13, 2018: PROTECT to honor The Nature Conservancy Heart of the Adirondacks Team for its Historic 161,000-Acre Land Protection Campaign with Howard Zahniser Adirondack Award on July 21, 2018.

June 7, 2018: The Department of Environmental Conservation needs to state publicly that it will not retain more than a dozen buildings of the Gooley Club

May 9, 2018: Last oil tankers pulled from the Adirondack Park

March 20, 2018: Governor signs classification to create over 25,000 acres of new Wilderness lands in Adirondack Park

March 13, 2018: PROTECT Cheers NYS Assembly for Eliminating Proposed Tax Cap on the Forest Preserve

March 8, 2018: PROTECT Supports Proposed New Empire Forests of the Future Initiative

February 7, 2018: PROTECT Opposes Proposed Tax Cap on the Forest Preserve

February 2, 2018: APA Approves the Boreas Ponds as Wilderness

January 25, 2018: APA Proposes a Compromise Classification for the Boreas Ponds

December 19, 2017: PROTECT cheers state action to stop storage of used oil tanker railcars in the Adirondack Park

November 16, 2017: New video released of local government leaders, business leader, and Protect the Adirondacks opposing storage of oil tankers in the Adirondack Park

November 10, 2017: Press Release: 3rd Shipment of Oil Tanker Railcars Reaches the Adirondacks for Indefinite Storage; No Action by State Agencies

November 8, 2017: PROTECT applauds New Yorkers for Voting No on Proposal 1 and Voting Yes on Proposal 3. Votes show strong public support for the Forest Preserve and the Adirondack Park

October 30, 2017: 25 more used oil tanker railcars transported to the Adirondack Park; Where are state environmental agencies?

October 25, 2017: PROTECT applauds Governor Cuomo for stating that he is 100% against the plan by Iowa Pacific to store out-of-service railroad cars in the Adirondack Park

October 24, 2017: PROTECT urges New Yorkers to vote no on Proposal 1 on Election Day

October 19, 2017: Protect the Adirondacks and the Town of Minerva state opposition to plan to store out-of-service oil tanker cars in the Adirondacks

October 18, 2017: PROTECT joins Historic NYS Coalition in Support of Proposal 3, an amendment to Article 14 of the NYS Constitution

October 10, 2017: Repeal of Clean Power Plan by EPA is a monumental step backwards

October 4, 2017: Protect the Adirondacks Applauds State Agencies for Stepping in to Scrutinize Controversial Plans to Store Hundreds of Old Railroad Cars in the Adirondack Park

September 25, 2017: The State Must Reject Plan to Store Hundreds of Used and Dilapidated Railroad Boxcars on Dormant Adirondack Railways in the Forest Preserve

July 11, 2017: Protect the Adirondacks honors Steve Englebright, Chairman of the State Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee, as its 2017 Legislator of the Year Award

June 29, 2017: Protect applauds passage of new Article XIV Constitutional Amendment and enabling legislation

June 28, 2017: PROTECT honors Dick Booth with Howard Zahniser Adirondack Award for 2017

June 23, 2017: PROTECT statement on the end of the 2017 Legislative Session

March 3, 2017: Cuomo Administration delays action on the classification of the Boreas Ponds

February 28, 2017: Trial on the future management of the “forever wild” Forest Preserve starts on March 1st in Albany

February 27, 2017: Protect the Adirondacks Supports a new Constitutional Amendment for Camp Gabriels

February 1, 2017: Supreme Court Judge orders trial for lawsuit over the future of forever wild

October 11, 2016: The proposed classifications of the Boreas Ponds shows a stark failure of public policy

September 7, 2016: Appellate Division Issues Preliminary Injunction to Continue Ban on Tree Cutting on the “forever wild” Forest Preserve by the Department of Environmental Conservation

July 22, 2016: PROTECT cheers Appellate Court decision to uphold temporary restraining order to stop tree cutting on Forest Preserve to build new road-like snowmobile trails

July 16, 2016: PROTECT cheers an Appellate Court Judge decision to issue temporary restraining order to stop tree cutting on Forest Preserve to build new road-like snowmobile trails

June 17, 2016: State Assembly passes new Article XIV Constitutional Amendment

June 17, 2016: PROTECT praises passage of Township 40 Implementation Legislation

March 15, 2016: Read full statement by APA Commissioner Richard Booth on how Governor Cuomo forced the APA to weaken protections for the Forest Preserve

March 11, 2016: PROTECT criticizes Adirondack Park Agency votes to weaken the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan

February 2, 2016: PROTECT calls for 36,500 acres of New Wilderness Lands for Adirondack Forest Preserve

January 11, 2016: PROTECT and other groups launch a lawsuit to challenge the state’s approval of the new Essex Chain Lakes Unit Management Plan

January 5, 2016: PROTECT applauds Governor Cuomo’s announcement that he will expand Environmental Protection Fund to $300 million — the highest ever

December 3, 2015: PROTECT cheers that the Town of Ohio has rescinded its local law opening numerous town roads to ATVs after PROTECT filed a legal challenge

November 13, 2015: APA approves widely illegal and deeply flawed new Unit Management Plan for the Essex Chain Lakes Complex

September 4, 2015: PROTECT calls upon Governor Cuomo to reject proposal to store used oil tanker cars in the Adirondacks, finds rail company already storing deteriorated rail cars deep in the Forest Preserve

August 2, 2015: PROTECT submits Complaint over Illegal Advocacy and Lobbying by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation for NYCO Constitutional Amendment

July 21, 2015: PROTECT calls for the DEC to remove the Polaris Bridge over the Hudson River

July 14, 2015: PROTECT calls for State to study the feasibility of reintroducing the wolf and cougar in draft NYS Wildlife Action Plan

July 7, 2015: PROTECT calls on the NYS APA to reject Community Connector Trail Plan UMP Amendments

July 2, 2015: PROTECT hosts the Cougar Rewilding Foundation to make the case for reintroduction of these big cats to the Adirondacks

May 1, 2015: PROTECT organizes Green Infrastructure Project Survey. See list of over 50 projects.

October 15, 2014: PROTECT releases Q & A about climate change with three candidates for the New York 21st Congressional District

October 10, 2014: PROTECT applauds APA actions to manage revision of the State Land Master Plan in an open and transparent public forum

September 2, 2014: PROTECT cheers Governor Cuomo for signing new Aquatic Invasive Species control legislation

August 8, 2014: PROTECT applauds DEC decision to withdraw the flawed Essex Chain Lakes draft Unit Management Plan

August 4, 2014: PROTECT and the Sierra Club announce appeal of Appellate Court decision on lawsuit challenging APA approval of Adirondack Club & Resort project

July 11, 2014 PROTECT and other groups launch lawsuit to challenge state’s implementation of the NYCO Constitutional Amendment

July 3, 2014 PROTECT is disappointed by the Appellate Court’s decision in its lawsuit challenging the approvals by the NYS APA of the Adirondack Club & Resort project

June 25, 2014 PROTECT is pleased to announce that Judith Enck, EPA Region 2 Adminstrator, will speak about climate change at PROTECT’s annual meeting on July 6th at Great Camp Sagamore

June 20, 2014 PROTECT cheers passage of historic aquatic invasive species prevention and control legislation

June 6, 2014 PROTECT calls for a new 12,850-acre West Stony Creek Wilderness area in the southern Adirondacks

June 2, 2014 PROTECT cheers EPA announcement for new national regulations for C02 emission reductions for coal-fired power plants

May 30, 2014 PROTECT and other groups release public comments challenging the state’s plans for implementation of the mineral exploration on the NYCO Amendment

May 29, 2014 PROTECT and other groups call for passage of the an aquatic invasive species transport bill

May 16, 2014 PROTECT finds new APRAP Study Update to be Misleading

Click here for database of 25 other regions in the U.S. of equal or older median age than the Adirondack Park.

April 9, 2014 PROTECT and other groups challenge state plans for approval of mining exploration on the Forest Preserve approved in Constitutional Amendment

February 25, 2014 PROTECT Releases a 5 Point Plan for New York to Strengthen Aquatic Invasive Species Control Efforts

February 19, 2014 PROTECT submits public comments on new draft Kushaqua Conservation Easement tract Recreational Management Plan

February 10, 2014 PROTECT cheers decision by federal Fish and Wildlife Service to extend public comments period after scientific panel criticizes rationale for proposed new rule to delist the gray wolf from the Endangered Species Act

February 7, 2014 Governor Cuomo finalizes classification of new 23,500 acre Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area and over 7,700 acres of Wild Forest lands

January 31, 2014 PROTECT finds DEC draft regulations for boat launches and fishing access sites are a weak response to New York’s aquatic invasive species scourge

January 30, 2014 Protect the Adirondacks applauds new boat control program on Lake George to prevent new invasive species outbreaks

January 22, 2014 PROTECT and other groups submit letter detailing numerous concerns with NYSDEC implementation of Proposition 5 Constitutional Amendment

January 15, 2014 PROTECT launches new Cougar Watch project to collect public reports of cougar sightings in the Adirondacks

December 13, 2013 PROTECT cheers creation of new Hudson River Wilderness area and Primitive Area for the Essex Chain Lakes by the NYS APA

December 6, 2013 APA classification proposal brings good and bad news for the Forest Preserve

November 19, 2013 PROTECT calls upon the APA to release legal and policy documents about the Forest Preserve classification of the Essex Chain Lakes and Hudson River tracts.

September 19, 2013 PROTECT files new Motion for Preliminary Injunction to try and Prevent more Damage to the Forest Preserve from Snowmobile Trail Construction

August 30, 2013 PROTECT and other groups call upon the APA to be deliberative and methodical in classification of former Finch lands

August 20, 2013 PROTECT and other Adirondack, state and national groups highlight 4-1 ratio of support for Wilderness versus Wild Forest classification during APA public hearings on the future of the former Finch lands

June 11, 2013 PROTECT and other groups call for Wilderness Alternative 1A during the APA Forest Preserve Classification Public Hearings

June 4, 2013 PROTECT releases new report The Myth of Quiet, Motor-free Waters in the Adirondack Park. Click here for a copy of the report.

June 3, 2013 PROTECT Opposes APA Transferrable Development Rights Program Bill

May 20, 2013 PROTECT-Sierra Club win two motions in lawsuit challenging Adirondack Park Agency over 6,000-acre ACR development

May 7, 2013 PROTECT opposes Forest Preserve Constitutional Amendment to swap lands with a mining company

April 8, 2013 Court approves PROTECT’s motion to challenge state snowmobile trail construction and management program

February 21, 2013 PROTECT goes to court to challenge state’s new road-like snowmobile trail network through the “Forever Wild” Forest Preserve

February 13, 2013 PROTECT cheers APA decision to table controversial clearcutting General Permit

February 12, 2013 PROTECT and other groups call upon Governor Cuomo, APA and DEC to delay action on controversial draft General Permit that relaxes rules for clearcutting

February 8, 2013 PROTECT opposes APA plans to approve new General Permit to loosen rules for clearcutting on FSC/SFI and conservation easement lands in the Adirondack Park

February 7, 2013 PROTECT applauds new Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) to reduce carbon emissions by 45% by 2020

January 25, 2013 PROTECT outlines its proposals for classification of the 69,000 acres of new Forest Preserve lands from Nature Conservancy/Finch Lands purchases

January 16, 2013 PROTECT and Paul Smith’s College Mark 15th Year of Partnership for Water Quality Monitoring in the Adirondack Park

January 7, 2013 Five Adirondack and regional environmental groups call upon Governor Cuomo and DEC Commissioner Martens to support Lake George mandatory boat inspection and decontamination program to stop spread in aquatic invasive species

January 3, 2013 PROTECT cheers APA decision to postpone action on new forest clearcutting program

December 11, 2012 PROTECT Opposes new APA Draft General Permit that will Loosen rules for clearcutting in the Adirondack Park

December 3, 2012 PROTECT and the Sierra Club re-file Motion for Discovery with Trial Sourt (as directed by the Appellate Court)

November 15, 2012 PROTECT calls for new 39,000-Acre Upper Hudson River Wilderness Area

September 18, 2012 PROTECT and the Sierra Club file new motion in APA-ACR lawsuit for discovery on ex parte contact issues

September 10, 2012 PROTECT and Sierra Club submit letter to APA arguing that the APA approvals for the ACR permits have expired

July 18, 2012 PROTECT and Sierra Club submit Reply Briefs in lawsuit challenging APA for ACR approvals

June 15, 2012 State drops appeal in Lows Lake Wilderness lawsuit brought by PROTECT and ADK

May 8, 2012 PROTECT hires Peter Bauer as its new Executive Director

March 20, 2012 PROTECT and the Sierra Club file lawsuit against the APA over decision to approve the ACR project

January 20, 2012 PROTECT opposes decision by the APA to approve ACR project, says APA has abdicated its responsibility to protect the Adirondack Park